Bridal Veil Falls
 Sign towards the end of the hike to the falls. What this sign neglects to mention is how much of this is uphill.
 lots of stairs
 All worth it to get to the falls.
 View from the falls. 
 I believe these are unripe stink currants (Ribes bracteosum - Grossulariaceae family). Apparently the stink part is the leaves, and the berries are just bland, but I have to say this is not good marketing for this plant.
 Blurry chestnut-backed chickadee (Poecile rufescens)
 I believe this is Coast Boykinia (Boykinia elata - Saxifrage family).
 Coast Boykinia bud and leaves
 Foamflower (Tiarella trifoliata - Saxifrage family)
4c droplets.JPG
7a Moss.JPG
5a bug.JPG
 Unripe Twistedstalk berry (Streptopus genus - Liliaceae family). This could be a rosy or a clasping twistedstalk plant. Pictures online don't really help me understand how clasped the clasping leaves need to be. The clasping twistedstalk berries wer
 Twistedstalk berry further along on the path to ripeness. The little bend in the berry stem is what gives the plant its name.
5b fern.JPG
6b Leaf.JPG
 Pacific bleeding-heart (Dicentra formosa - Fumariaceae family)  ------------------------------  For more outdoor slideshows, click  here .  For more Seattle slideshows, click  here .  For more flora slideshows, click  here .  For more
Bridal Veil Falls
Bridal Veil Falls

June 29, 2012: Bridal Veil Falls hike. Loved this hike. 5 miles/800 ft elevation gain (although a lot of that comes all at the end).  

 Sign towards the end of the hike to the falls. What this sign neglects to mention is how much of this is uphill.

Sign towards the end of the hike to the falls. What this sign neglects to mention is how much of this is uphill.

 lots of stairs

lots of stairs

 All worth it to get to the falls.

All worth it to get to the falls.

 View from the falls. 

View from the falls. 

 I believe these are unripe stink currants (Ribes bracteosum - Grossulariaceae family). Apparently the stink part is the leaves, and the berries are just bland, but I have to say this is not good marketing for this plant.

I believe these are unripe stink currants (Ribes bracteosum - Grossulariaceae family). Apparently the stink part is the leaves, and the berries are just bland, but I have to say this is not good marketing for this plant.

 Blurry chestnut-backed chickadee (Poecile rufescens)

Blurry chestnut-backed chickadee (Poecile rufescens)

 I believe this is Coast Boykinia (Boykinia elata - Saxifrage family).

I believe this is Coast Boykinia (Boykinia elata - Saxifrage family).

 Coast Boykinia bud and leaves

Coast Boykinia bud and leaves



 Foamflower (Tiarella trifoliata - Saxifrage family)

Foamflower (Tiarella trifoliata - Saxifrage family)

4c droplets.JPG
7a Moss.JPG
5a bug.JPG
 Unripe Twistedstalk berry (Streptopus genus - Liliaceae family). This could be a rosy or a clasping twistedstalk plant. Pictures online don't really help me understand how clasped the clasping leaves need to be. The clasping twistedstalk berries wer

Unripe Twistedstalk berry (Streptopus genus - Liliaceae family). This could be a rosy or a clasping twistedstalk plant. Pictures online don't really help me understand how clasped the clasping leaves need to be. The clasping twistedstalk berries were called "scoot berries" by early settlers as they had a mildly laxative effect when eaten in large quantity.

 Twistedstalk berry further along on the path to ripeness. The little bend in the berry stem is what gives the plant its name.

Twistedstalk berry further along on the path to ripeness. The little bend in the berry stem is what gives the plant its name.

5b fern.JPG
6b Leaf.JPG
 Pacific bleeding-heart (Dicentra formosa - Fumariaceae family)  ------------------------------  For more outdoor slideshows, click  here .  For more Seattle slideshows, click  here .  For more flora slideshows, click  here .  For more

Pacific bleeding-heart (Dicentra formosa - Fumariaceae family)


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